About Us

GOLEM (God of Love Emancipation Ministries) is a charitable emancipation organisation incorporated in August 2012 to propagate the Christian gospel around the world and demonstrate the love of Christ to the needy and vulnerable in practical ways. Prior to August 2012, GOLEM founded in 1998 by a Christian couple Jonathan Taiwo and Alice Taiwo has been operating informally raising and distributing vital funds to many local and overseas based ministries. Some of these were Oxfam, World Vision, Tear Fund, Euro Vision, Power of Apostolic Church International (PAC) just to mention a few.

Our Values

GOLEM initially was not directly involved in the planning and implementation of the poverty relief and development project it supports and sponsors overseas due to limited manpower and financial capacity. However, It has always been our vision and aspiration to be directly involved at operational level in the evangelical, educational and socio-economic programmes we sponsor. We believe that donor involvement approach involving ongoing project monitoring and evaluation delivers the best value for money to public and private donors who need assurances that their donations are making a real difference.

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